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Tel: 917-885-4635

Eduardo is a talented project architect that lived and worked in many geographical locations. His formative years were done in Washington DC, Paris and his native country, Venezuela.

Soon after graduation, he decided to move to Australia to prove himself as a hardworking and dedicated professional. In Sydney, he started working in small residential projects and slowly start to gain more responsibly and committing to larger projects. At one point, he was able to work in large corporations such as Westfield where he honed the skills of retail planning, project documentation and construction site supervision.

During his tenure at Westfield, he decided to enter the graduate program at the University of Sydney, where he studied master’s degree in Facilities Management, and he completed in 2001.

With this course on hand and networking, Eduardo found himself a job in Hong Kong working where he was based for 11 years and carried many important project along the Asia - Pacific region..

Now in New York, he created CAS Studios to fulfill a sector of the design and construction market that is still growing in the U.S. 


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